Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Hi everyone! Lovely to meet you! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Farahah Huda Binti Sirajul Huda. I am a Muslim from Malaysia born on the year 2004. I have travelled and visited many countries (mainly cold and snowy places) all over the world.

I love to read books in my spare time. It could be any kind of books online such as comics, mangas, manhwas and novels. I also like to sing and dance to my favourite Korean idol's songs. That means I love listening to music too! Mainly Japanese songs from Anime shows and K-pop songs. I am a huge Anime lover! I also love playing games. Sometimes I draw Anime pictures too.

Animes and games are related to animations. This sparked my interest and curiosity on how it is made. That is what made me choose Computer Science for my course. 

This is my first time studying in DMUIC so I am very nervous and excited because I will start to live independently for the first time in a new environment. Although I almost got lost, at least I got a map!

My Introductions

 I chose DMU because I heard that it is one of the top universities in the rankings. DMU sparked my interest because it is a huge place with many facilities. It also has prayer rooms for different religions and very high tech. Now I know why its ranking is very high. My course in DMU is Computer Science. 

The mandatory modules for this course are Database Design and Implementation, Fundamental Concepts of Computer Science, Computer Programming, Operating Systems and Networks, Object Oriented Design and Development, Data Structures and Algorithms, Web Application Development, Agile Development Team Project, Software Development: Methods and Standards, Big Data and Machine Learning and Development Project. 

The optional modules for this course are Functional Programming, Advanced Web Development, Fuzzy Logic and Inference Systems, and Privacy and Data Protection. I don't know which modules I am most interested in, so I am planning to decide after exploring more about it. 

After studying for 4 years, I am planning to work for 2 years and then go back to my country to live with my family and friends again. I don't care about the type of jobs and places I need to work at, as long as it gives me money! I also want to be an animator! I think there was a course for this (?) but it requires an A-Level exam. A-Levels are hard and I am not confident in it so I don't think I can choose that. Since animations are also related to computers, I decided to choose Computer Science instead!

At DMU, I can learn how to use the computers and systems more efficiently so I could draw and animate by myself easily without any technical difficulties.

In the next 10 years, although I am still not confident about it, but I could see myself drawing animations like an expert which is my dream!

Primary Research Questionnaire

 Below are screenshots of all my questions and options in my questionnaire, including the pictures, titles and descriptions too. 

Here is the link to my questionnaire:

Diagram 2

 Artificial Intelligence

Above is the diagram for my initial idea 2 which is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Due to the advanced technology, the creation of AI has been slowly increasing in devices, apps, software and robots too. The system compiles and gathers numerous data to gain an artificial mind which functions similar to that of a human's mind. It will gain the ability to reason, think, talk, discover and learn from past experiences. There are different types of AI technology, some of them has the ability to translate languages generate a conversation with you on apps, mimicking a human's behaviour. Much time will be saved from doing all the strenuous and hard work when using AI technology. 

Diagram 1

 Computer Graphics and Visualization

Above is the diagram for my initial idea 1 which is also the topic for my major project called Computer Graphics and Visualization which is an area in Computer Science. Graphics can be found everywhere since the use of technology has increased all over the world. It can be found in all kinds of devices such as computers, laptops, ipads, phones and etc. There are many activities and jobs you can apply in this area such as creating animations, creating games, creating graphs and bar charts and creating websites using all kinds of software apps available online. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Major Project Plan

 Below is a table with the activities I have done so far when planning for my major project:

Plan for Major Project


Name: Farahah Huda Binti Sirajul Huda

Project Title:  Computer Graphics and Visualization


Date started

Time allowed





A few minutes

Choosing which topic for the major project theme




1 day

Go to library website for academic journal and ebook and cite them



1 hour

Search for a website and cite them



3 hours

Go to for free copyright pictures




1 week

Researching about it again in Google Scholar  and correcting the citations





Until 16/5/23

(date extended)

Write a draft for major project






Until 16/5/23

Trying to paraphrase sentences and words into Academic English as much as possible





Until 16/5/23


Write a plan for my major project using gantt charts and tables then posting it in my blog
















Computer Ethics

 Computer Ethics

In my opinion, among all of the Ten Commandments of computer ethics defined by the Computer Ethics Institute, the one most relevant to my major project is "Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write or the system you design". Almost all the people living on this planet has already been or will be associated with graphics whether it is related to work or entertainment such as an animator working to produce animations for people of different ages to enjoy. This commandment is significant in this area. 

When animating for other people, you need to consider the fact about whether most of your audience will be children, teenagers or adults. If a gory or sexual scene appeared in the animations made for children, it may cause dire consequences to their mental health and growth that would most likely affect their future if exposed to these kinds of animations for a long time. This is also the reason why in some movies, a notice or warning would appear at the beginning, mentioning whether the movie will be rated 18+ or if a parent's guidance and permission is needed to watch it.

Other than animations, graphics can also be found everywhere on the internet. People would design websites for educational, entertainment or private purposes. You could find sexual content displayed as an advertisement in some normal websites by accident which could be discovered by underaged children. As the use of technology is increasing in the recent decade, there would be more harmful content exposed to children in the future. However, there are preventive measures on how to restrict and control the content exposed to your children due to the current technology which could be improved further in the future.

As first mentioned in the beginning, this is solely based on my personal opinion.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Initial Project Plan (Gantt Chart)

Initial Project Plan

Below is the timeline for my major project plan from beginning until the end in the form of a Gantt Chart: 

Essay (Conclusions & References)


Essay (Main Body)


Major Project Theme

Computer Graphics and Visualization

Due to the advanced technology, the use of computing technology has been increasing for the past few decades. Computer Science can be divided into different areas, one of them is Computer Graphics and Visualization or Graphics and Visuals. It is one of the significant areas in Computer Science that "surrounds us on a daily basis"  and focuses on generating images on computer screens which can be used in digital photography, animation, video games and electronic devices that focuses on the audience (Kong et al, 2023). Visualization is just a process on how the image is shown using different techniques to communicate a message (What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started, 2023). I will be explaining the significance of computer graphics to the civilization, society and the students as well as who will engage in activities and jobs related to computer graphics.


There are many types of graphics which includes:

Raster Graphics

They are 2D images made of pixels presented in rows and columns composed of different hues of colors. It is to make the image appear more sharper despite with a low resolution. The more pixels contained in an inch, the sharper the image (What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started, 2023).

Vector Graphics

They are made up of lines and shapes using mathematical formulas. It is to avoid ruining the resolution of the image when editing the size. Vector graphics can be converted into raster graphics using computer-generated imagery (CGI). It is used in animations, games, characters and etc. (What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started, 2023).

Interactive Computer Graphics

Allows a user to tell the computers on how to create images. An example is a dragging feature clothing animations for characters. Another example is the zoom in function on a scrolling interface (What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started, 2023)

Non-interactive Computer Graphics

It is basically the opposite of interactive computer graphics. It does not allow a user to tell the computers on how to create images. For example: CGI, 3D animations, applications (What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started, 2023).


In the current era, education is important to the society and the people because without it, they will not survive as everything that are created and can be seen all around the world are inventions and products made by people due to education and knowledge. Computer graphics can be applied in education to help increase the learning efficiency more effectively (Rudolf et al., 2020). It can be implemented using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtuality Reality (VR) found in animations and games that would interact and communicate with the user to educate them (Weidner et al, 2023).


There are all kinds of jobs that people could work as in this world. In computer graphics, there are a few jobs related to that area mainly computer graphics designer, digital artist, graphic engineer, web developer, game artist and animator. These jobs could earn you much more money between $59, 000 and $83, 000 (What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started, 2023). 


(The Effects Of Computer - Related Health Problem 2023)

Indulging in graphics for long periods may lead to all kinds of health issues such as eyestrain and headaches. It may also lead to backaches, neckaches and Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) due to the body posture when repeatedly interacting with graphics in mobile phones, computers, laptops and etc. This causes vision problems and they would be forced to use glasses. When interacting with computers for long periods of time, this may also make people stressed out more easily combined with "other factors like poor health, work pressure and job environment" (Rupavate, 2015).


By using images and videos, information can be received and passed on more effectively. Complex designs could be created using different software that could also create realistic images mimicking reality. Computer graphics plays a part in the entertainment industry and is implemented in video games, architectures, movies, 3D animations and CGI films. Finally, computer graphics could help people with "visual impairments" and disabilities (Advantages and disadvantages of Computer Graphics, 2023).


However, computer graphics needs "specialized software" and unique skills to create better graphics and animations. Some software may be expensive and includes lots of money. Computer graphics can create exaggerated objects and scenes which could mislead the audience in the wrong direction. It also consumes too much time to create graphics that the audience would love. When using graphics too much on technological devices such as mobile phones, ipads and computers, it "may lead to a reliance on technology to create visual content". It could also cause health issues as previously mentioned. Finally, computer graphics could be used to spread false information to the audience (Advantages and disadvantages of Computer Graphics, 2023).

Impact and Conclusion

One of the main factors in creating graphics is human preferences, it is to find out how visually effective it is to attract the audiences' attention (Kong et al,. 2023). Computer graphics can be found in many activities of entertainment which a large number of people could not live without such as video games, movies, CGI films, 3D and 2D animations and etc. It also plays a part in education for children and people with disabilities. It plays a major role in technology, education and entertainment which are all important factors. However, extra caution is needed when indulging in computer graphics since it may lead to health issues such as eye strain, headache, neckache and backache.


What is computer graphics? A guide to getting started (2023). Available at: (Accessed: May 14, 2023). 

Rudolf et al. (2020) "Elements of Smart Computer Graphics -- A Potential Basis for New Experimental Method of Teaching and Learning" International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. 2020, Issue 13, pp. 221-237 [Preprint]. Available at:

Weidner, F. et al. (2023) Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Vol. 29, No. 5: A Systematic Review on the Visualization of Avatars and Agents in AR & VR displayed using Head-Mounted Displays. IEEE.

Kong, W. et al (2023) Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Vol. 29, No. 6: Aesthetics++: Refining Graphic Designs by Exploring Design Principles and Human 
Preference. IEEE. 

The Effects Of Computer - Related Health Problem (2023). Available at: (Accessed: June 14, 2023).

Rupavate (2015) 6 Worst Health Problems Common With Computer Use. Available at: (Accessed: June 14, 2023).

Advantages and disadvantages of Computer Graphics (2023). Available at:,on%20tech%20...%20%201%20more%20rows%20 (Accessed: June 14, 2023).

Case Study (Introduction)

 In this case study, I will talk about the dangers of online social media platforms and how to avoid them. Social media is created using com...