Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Software Functionality

(Default startup Blender window)

After closing the splash screen, 

 the Blender window should look similar to the first image shown. 

(Default startup Blender window)

Blender's interface is divided into 3 main parts: Topbar (blue), Areas (Green) and Status Bar (Red)


Blender Logo

Opens the Splash Screen and information about Blender such as the Version, Date, Hash, Branch, Windowing Environment, Release Notes, Credits, License, Blender Website, Blender Store and Development Fund. It also opens an option to install a new application template. 


  • Clears and loads current application template
  • Opens a blend-file
  • Displays list of recently opened blend-files
  • Revert current file to its last saved version
  • Recovers last work session and automatically saved file
  • Save and copy file
  • Link and append data from an external blend-file to the current one
  • Data Previews
  • Import and Export
  • External Data
  • Cleanup 
  • Defaults


  • Undo, redo, history
  • Menu Search
  • Operator Search
  • Rename Active Item
  • Batch Rename
  • Lock Object Modes
  • Preferences


  • Render the active scene at the current frame.
  • Render the animation of the active scene.
  • Mix the scene’s audio to a sound file.
  • Show the Render window.
  • Playback rendered animation in a separate player.
  • Lock Interface


  • Create a new window by copying the current window.
  • Create a new window with its own workspace and scene selection.
  • Toggle Window Fullscreen
  • Next Workspace
  • Previous Workspace
  • Show Status Bar
  • Save Screenshot
  • Save Screenshot (Editor)


Provides help to the user.

Topbar - Workspaces

Default Workspaces

  • Layout - to preview your scene and contains the following Editors: 3D Viewport (yellow), Outliner (green), Properties (blue) and Timeline (red).
(Blender's 'Layout' Workspace)

  • Modeling: For modification of geometry by modeling tools.
  • Sculpting: For modification of meshes by sculpting tools.
  • UV Editing: For mapping of image texture coordinates to 3D surfaces.
  • Texture Paint: For coloring image textures in the 3D Viewport.
  • Shading: For specifying material properties for rendering.
  • Animation: For making properties of objects dependent on time.
  • Rendering: For viewing and analyzing rendering results.
  • Compositing: For combining and post-processing of images and rendering information.
  • Geometry Nodes: For procedural modeling using Geometry Nodes.
  • Scripting: For interacting with Blender’s Python API and writing scripts.

Status Bar

Keymap Information

The left side of the Status Bar displays mouse button shortcuts and the keymap of the active tool.

Status Messages

  • Displays information about in-progress operations.
  • Running Task - shows the progress of the currently running task
  • Report Message - Informational messages or warnings, such as after saving a file

Resource Information

  • Collection - Name of the active Collection.
  • Active Object - Name of the active selected object.
  • Geometry - Displays information about the current scene depending on the mode and object type. This can be the number of vertices, faces, triangles, or bones.
  • Objects - Number of the selected objects and the total count.
  • System Memory - Estimate of Blender’s RAM consumption.
  • Blender Version - The version of Blender that is currently running.


(Area boundaries are indicated by rounded corners (yellow highlights))

  • Resizing -  resize areas by dragging their border

  • Splitting - Splitting an area will create a new area
  • Joining - Dragging from an area corner outward will join two areas


(Header (green), Main region (yellow), Toolbar (blue), Sidebar (red) and Adjust Last Operation panel (pink))
  • Main Region - the most prominent part of the editor.
  • Header - a container for menus and commonly used tools.
  • Toolbar - contains a set of interactive tools.
  • Sidebar - contains Panels with settings of objects within the editor and the editor itself.
  • Adjust Last Operation - a region that allows tweaking an operator after running it.

Tabs and Panels


(Top: Horizontal Tab header in the Topbar. Bottom: Vertical Tab header shows tab icons in the Properties)

It is used to control overlapping sections in the user interface.


The panel header shows the title of the panel. It is always visible. Some panels also include subpanels.

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