Thursday, June 1, 2023

Primary Research (Demographic Questions Analysis)

 Demographic Questions Analysis

Among all 25 responses, based on the pie chart, the results show that 48% of them are female while 52% of them are male. All of them are clear of their own gender identity and none of them are uncomfortable about it.

The pie chart shows that 28% of the responders are between age 14 to 17, 52% of responders age between age 18 to 24, 8% of the responders age between age 25 to 30 and 12% of the responders age that are 30 and above. None of them are aged 13 and below. There is a much higher percentage of responders that are between age 18 to 24 which are most likely students while the rest are most likely from teachers, family and friends from outside of school.

As I mentioned before, it was highly likely that most of the responders are students either from DMU or other schools or universities. The pie chart above shows that 76% of them are students which is proof of my assumption. However, 12% of them are manual workers, 4% of them works in management and 8% of them has other professions which are not among the options of professions.

The above rating from all the responders shows their satisfaction of this questionnaire. Most of them rated 5 which was the highest rating, while the others rated 4,3,2 and none of them rated 1. In conclusion, most of the responders were very satisfied with this questionnaire. 

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